Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Science Fair

Hi there everyone, it is about that time of the year to start thinking about the upcoming Walker science fair! There are a few key issues that I wanted to talk about to remind both students and parents of. Students have already received their packets along with the grading rubrics.  The due dates are as follows
  • Question/Hypothesis due on Wednesday, Jan. 13th, 2010
  • Materials/Procedures due on Wednesday, Jan. 20th, 2010
  • Results/Conclusion due on Monday, Feb. 1st, 2010 
  • Display due on Monday, Feb. 8th, 2010
The students will be going over each individual step in the class but are expected to complete the experiment at home.  You are all encouraged to come up with a question that is original and unique to you!  Here are a couple of resources that may help you when thinking about some topic ideas.


Please remember that these sites are meant to HELP, not do the work for you!  I love to see students coming up with original ideas that pertain to them and what they are interested in.  Please remember to ask questions if there is something that you are unsure about, I am here to help.  I look forward to seeing what you come up with. 

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