Friday, January 8, 2010

Bookmans Reading Challenge 2010

It is that time of the year again guys and gals, time to put your reading glasses on and get busy!  The 2010 Bookmans' Reading Challenge is now underway and is worth a possible 15,000 to one very dedicated school.  Our school librarian Mrs. O' Mera has already talked with the teachers and is getting some fun prizes set up for the students who are reading a lot of books.  I am encouraging my class to continue to read as many books as we can.  Keep in mind that after each book you read, you will need to fill out a short sheet, describing what the book was about.  Now any books that you are reading need to be 4th grade appropriate, in other words picture books aren't going to cut it.  You are in fourth grade, and you are reading fourth grade level books so lets keep it that way.  Any books that we read in class together, as a class can count towards our school goal as well.  We are getting very close to our read in as well, so we should have a good opportunity to get a lot of reading done.  I am excited for this competition, I think that Walker has got a real shot at winning that money prize this year.  Good luck and let the reading begin!  

If you want to check out some of the details for yourself go this link: Bookman's Reading Challenge 2010!

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